Swiss Ball as Office-Chair Replacement Part 2…

Now after sitting on the swiss ball for around about 8 hours a day, for roughly a week’s time, I have to say that no miracles occurred and I don’t suddenly have a stronger body and an 8 pack (I wish that did happen though). However, I do feel the slight improvement in my sitting posture, as the swiss ball does not have back support, there’s nothing to ‘lean’ on, therefore your body is constantly reminding you to sit up straighter otherwise it is actually quite unconfortable and also much harder to balance. Read the rest of this entry »

Jokes…not far from Truth?

Annoying Bug

Now, we joke often in our life, in fact, we joke around most when we are happy but at times when we are in a less positive mood as well. Read the rest of this entry »

Get String between Some Strings – PHP

I find that sometimes I need to get some string which is between 2 so called delimiters. I don’t think PHP has a built in function to do this, so I was searching around for a solution and found a simple function which does exactly what I am looking for: Read the rest of this entry »

Inline Editing with Ajax (Flickr Like)

Recently I have come across an ultra-neat way of edit-in-place system which is a lot like what Flickr does. There are off course some advantages and disadvantages to this, but the biggest advantage is that the user does not have to leave the page to edit anything and save changes, which is both efficient and a time-saver. Read the rest of this entry »

Swiss Ball as Office Chair Replacement

Recently I have invested $50 getting a descent Reebok Swiss Ball, also known as Exercise Balls, in attempt to replace my office chair. Read the rest of this entry »

Crazy Long Rally

A crazy long mixed doubles rally, unbelievable…defense!!!

Stress at Work

Remember to have fun at work…and don’t stress too much! Otherwise…



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Modalbox & Lightbox Conflicts (Position)

I have recently discovered that there would be a slight problem when Lightbox and Modalbox co-exist on the same page.

The problem is that the modalbox would pop-up slightly on the right of the screen, before shifting to the middle of the screen at the last minute. This would only happen when lightbox is also present on the same webpage. Read the rest of this entry »