Training life in Malay

Training has been absolutely awesome here in Malay for the last 3 weeks, and everything is going very well and we are all working super hard in Malay, despite the heat!


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Hong Kong Galore!

After a long 11hour something flight, the plane finally arrived in Hong Kong…the overnight flight was not easy as I was put in the middle-middle seat (the group of seats in the middle of the plane, and in that group the middle seat) and trying to sleep without cramping my back, legs and arms was a real challenge, but somehow I manage to do it for a good 6 hours.

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The Stop-Smoking Graph!

If you are thinking about quitting smoking, this may bring more motivation and determination!

I always encourage people to stop smoking as it is bad for you, in saying that, the addiction is sometimes too strong, so if you are a heavy smoker and decide to quit, make sure you take it slow and don’t just stop suddenly!

Click read more for the image 🙂 Read the rest of this entry »

New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

I think it is good for everybody to have goals annually and to reflect at the end of the year to see if you have achieved these goals. Here are mine for this new and exciting year, 2009!

It is easier to write it down somewhere, either in a blog (like me) or physically on the paper, otherwise you will find yourself forgetting all about what resolutions you have made after a while…

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“How to” get rid of spiders?

Many people dislike spiders, whether it is the hairy ones, the small ones or ones with long legs. The reality is, they have probably been around longer than us, and it wouldn’t be right to say that the spiders are evading “our home”, because chances are, they were there long before us, so technically we are evading their home.

But having spiders all around your house can be messy, annoying and sometimes hazardous to children as they may be poisonous. Below are a few ways which I have found helps with keeping the spiders away.

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Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! Read the rest of this entry »

Push-Ups Challenge!

Regardless of your age, weight and physical shape, it is always good to exercise. Everyone knows that!

Now here is a challenge for all of you, I dare you to take up this challenge, and achieve the what you may think as “impossible”. Remember, “impossible is nothing”!

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Being Selfish?! Everyone has different needs!

Everyday we learn something new, and recently I have come to a thought (which seems much like a conclusion to me as I am positive this is the right way to think) which has struck me over the past month or so. Read the rest of this entry »